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Chinese, British business leaders pledge closer ties

LONDON, Sept. 21 (Xinhua) — Business leaders from China and the United Kingdom (UK) pledged to strengthen business ties on Friday.
At a forum introducing Beijing Financial Street (BFS) to the London business community, Zeng Linfeng, executive deputy mayor of Beijing’s Xicheng District, extended an invitation to London businesses, emphasizing investment opportunities and the district’s commitment to openness.
BFS, located in Beijing’s Xicheng District, hosts key Chinese financial regulatory bodies and the headquarters of major financial institutions. It also serves as a hub for significant financial infrastructure like the Beijing Stock Exchange, along with global financial firms like UBS Group, MasterCard, and Goldman Sachs Gao Hua Securities.
Zeng said “Xicheng will offer businesses a broad market, fair competition, a comprehensive policy framework, a healthy industrial ecosystem, efficient government services, and an international business environment.”
Fang Wenjian, general manager of the Bank of China’s London Branch, also highlighted the shared financial and cultural values between Xicheng and London.
Fang said “there are numerous key areas for financial cooperation, including environmental, social, and governance issues, green finance, digital finance, and the internationalization of the RMB. Both the City of London and Xicheng District serve as pioneers, experimenting and innovating in these fields.”
Meanwhile, Jack Perry, chairman of the 48 Group Club, spoke optimistically about China’s economic outlook, citing its resilience and continuous innovation. He noted that despite global challenges, China is expected to maintain a steady growth.
“Beijing Financial Street plays a crucial role in China’s financial landscape, just as London remains a global leader in financial services. Together, these two financial hubs can enhance cooperation, generate mutual benefits, and pave the way for broader international collaboration,” said Perry. ■
